Live stress free.

In less than 2 minutes, experience calm with soFree’s patent-pending technology.

Through the use of audio, visual and haptic stimuli, our patent-pending tech taps into your body's natural chill switch - the parasympathetic nervous system.

Throughout the day, stress sneaks up, often unnoticed. soFree catches those sneaky stress signals, nudging you for a quick session, leading to overall calm, better sleep, clearer thinking, and a performance boost in all you do.

Experience Instant Calm with soFree

Signup for Early Access & Secure Your Spot for Lifetime Membership

Step in early, help us refine, and enjoy soFree for life. It's our way of saying thanks for shaping an unparalleled user experience.

Participation Requirements:

  • iPhone 10 or newer

  • Apple Watch Series 8 or newer (optional)

All we ask? Three live chat sessions via Zoom to share your soFree journey.